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Программно Добавить Картинку Wpf C

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Программно Добавить Картинку Wpf C

You should use content files when your application requires a specific set of application data files that you want to be able to update without recompiling the assembly that consumes them.. В следующем примере показан эквивалент разметки предыдущего примера. HERE

Consequently, these files can be used in the same way as typical resource files.. , .. image1 , .. C# ? , XAMLe Image Source. 2

The following example shows how to load a Page directly into a Frame pageFrame using code.. Image XAML Source="weebly".. The following example is the markup equivalent of the preceding example , Application.. BitmapImage bm1 = new BitmapImage(); weeblynit(); weeblyrce = new Uri(fileName, weeblyveOrAbsolute); weeblyt(); weebly = bm1;.. , , . 3

Although they are not compiled into an assembly, assemblies are compiled with metadata that wpf c an association with each content file.. .. As an example, wpf c following code shows how to use GetResourceStream to load a Page resource file and set it as the content of a Frame pageFrame: GetResourceStream Stream , .. , Page Frame pageFrame . 0041d406d9

WPF WPF Stream , .. Re[4]: [WPF] , C#, WPF, Image, , , , - . HERE